more yays –day44

11.4.11 at 5:39 pm (flat foot surgery, post-pttd surgery (1wk-6mos after), pre-pttd surgery, pttd, pttd surgery, ptti surgery) (, , , )

A few yays actually.

Yay #1 – the weird red patch has almost totally disappeared. It now only exists along the sural nerve path on the lateral part of my foot – which is the ‘new’ part of the patch that showed up post-new cast…But the main chunk of the patch is somehow gone..Which is very weird as it was very present 1.5 days ago (and for the prior two times I got to see my foot without a cast)…it wasn’t that my whole foot was reddish – it was a very distinct and specific area of which only changed in the last week or two by expanding its territory and prior to the last week, it waned between splotchy and solid red…But there wasn’t a moment I looked at the top of my foot by my toes in which it wasn’t there anymore..And now..gone…as if it never existed.
My whole foot is still a bit darker than my the other (again, yes, while elevated), and there still is the remainder of the patch on the side of my foot, but woohoo…the fact that most of it outright vanished definitely seems like a great sign to me..

#2 yay – I got to bike today. With two feet…I had to hold onto a crutch for balance as I’m not fully using one foot and didn’t want to hunch over the handlebars for 40min, but I was able to use both feet and didn’t have to spend 10minutes taping a crutch onto a pedal..
My foot did start screaming a few times during it…Pretty fiercely…once in one of its upset nerve spots (where the red splotch still exists), a few times around the tendon, a few times (less fiercely) the gastroc complained, and a few minor complaints from the heel..but, again, I being me, ignored and kept going..and the pain went away..granted it was followed soon after by a new pain, but I did have points in between where it wasn’t really complaining at all…And, though it heated up really bad twice, both times, it self-resolved.

I have no idea how my foot will feel in a few hours, and it of course isn’t that happy with me at the moment, but that I was able to do that again and that the heat self-resolved and the super-pains subsided on their made me quite happy.

Yay#3 – I have an appointment for my first PT appointment on Wednesday.

Yay#4 – As mentioned, I feared getting the boot – feared that the moving might upset my foot as it seemed getting the cast was one of the triggers for a prior nerve flare. So far though, it doesn’t seem to have made anything worse…thus I wonder if instead of the flare being fed by the physical manipulation that occurred while being put in a cast, it was from the constriction/immobility of a cast.

Yay#5 – I get to take a shower soon and massage my foot and get things loosened up even more..I’ve been looking forward to it all day.

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